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Friday 7 November 2014

How to say I Love You Easily!

by Gaurav  |  in love and relationships at  09:02

Saying I Love You is one of the most difficult thing's in the world. People feel nervous, the words don't come out of mouth, and they feel as if they are tied by some invisible chain.

say I love You

Some boys and girls always keep the love feelings in their heart. They can't convey it to the one they love. There is some unknown fear. I have seen people keep the truth, the truth that he or she loves him or her, inside their heart throughout their entire life. For some reason they are willing to suffer, live in pain of being alone, but never want to say I love you.

If you are reading this please know that it is not a crime to express your love. It is not hatred - it is love. Why would anyone will get annoyed, or be angry with you, if you tell them that you are in love with them.

Some of you feel that the other person might get angry. And while the possibility of this happening is almost negligible, unless you are annoying the other person, you always feel that it will definitely happen with you. And you decide that it is better not to say anything then to get beaten or rejected by the person you love.

Actually your problem is that you listen to people around you too much. Your friends tell you some bogus stories that a certain guy (if friend is a girl) or a lady (if friend is a boy) took them to rafters when they tried to say that they love them. Some will say that a girl has filed a police case against them of crime bigger than they did. Some guys even go to the extent of telling a lie that the family members of the person they love threatened them and told them that if they follow their girl or boy - they will crush their teeth. All bogus stories you believe and then decide to keep quiet for entire life. You are ready to cry and see the person you love walking and dancing hand in hand and arms in arms with some other person.

Don't be silly! Don't believe in anything you haven't came across in you life. If it happens with you in reality then it is the time to decide to do it or not to do it. But to decide not to express your love to other person for no reason is not on. Keep in mind that you are not an ordinary person that anyone will reject you just like that. And most guys who get rejected are those who think that they won't get accepted. Don't think that something negative will happen with you.

And I tell you that in most cases, almost 99 percent, the other person is waiting eagerly for you to come and say what you think you should not say. Don't count yourself in remaining 1 percent ( I know most of you just did that).

Now if you feel really nervous try out following tips to easily say - I Love You.

1. Do some research. Find the birthday of the person you love. On that day choose the best gift. It doesn't have to be an expensive one. If you can create something, or even some fresh flower, will do. Wrap it up and and put your love letter inside the gift box.  Believe me the other person will not be able to sleep until he or she meet you in next few days.

2. Valentine's day is the day when everyone seem to lineup to tell that they love someone. You can do this as well. But this is all redundant. Many people do it. I suggest that choose a day before February 14, to express your love. This has a magical affect on the other person. He or she get's the message subconsciously that you can't even wait for a day.

3. If you see your beloved crying, for any reason. try to cry, even artificially along with  him or her. And when they ask you why are you crying, tell them that you can't see them crying. Then wipe off their tears and say "I L U" in a soft voice while doing it.

4. Be aware of things as they happen around you. If you get a slightest hint that your beloved in in need of something, try to be the first guy to provide that thing. This will pave the way for you to easily say that you are in love.

Above are all the opportunities that you should grab to easily say I love you. Of course this is not the ultimate list. Buy most of you have gotten the point what I want to tell you.

One thing I would like you to be a bit careful about is to not to try to make someone you love look silly. Don't ever make a fool of them, especially in public. Love is such a sensitive relationship. Even small looking things can prove to be major bottlenecks between you being successful in love and otherwise.


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