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Wednesday 4 June 2014

Educational Qualification Degrees To Get High Paying Jobs in India

by Gaurav  |  in education at  23:07

Every one out there wants to get a high paying job. Now the question is which educational qualifications or degrees provides you the best chance to get the high paying jobs in India? Today you will get to know exactly what you need to study in order to get the dream job for yourself.

Actually the question of what to study for a nice job is mainly asked by undergraduates. Those who are in the school, especially after 10th board exams where one is required to make a choice of specialized subject, tend to get confused about it. Parents do help but sometimes the interest of student don't match with what parents want. Still in India we see parents telling their children to choose subjects like 'science', 'math, 'commerce', 'arts' etc. Most children do listen to their parents. But since the real interest of a child was in something else, it all end up in a mess in the end. Students pursuing a subject halfheartedly tends to get poor marks in the final exams which affect their chances of admission in good colleges, like B schools, IIT's, and IIM's, and all this has a very averse affect on chances of getting high paying jobs in the future.

degree for job

The best jobs, both by the angle of earning, and satisfaction, are in following sectors - IT (Information Technology), medicine, engineering, business and commerce, pharma and bio technology. Companies and corporate houses working in all these sectors pay well to their employees. Facilities and perks are also good. Thus to get the best job you will need to focus on study subjects that will make you qualify to get an employment in these sectors.

In order to get the requisite degree you need to make a decision early in your life. It will be good if you can make up your mind about which sector you will want to get employed in future to earn living and live a life of high satisfaction as early as when you are in school. Ideally after board exams you should be in a position to answer - "What I want to become?", as this will help you in choosing the right subjects for graduation and post graduation. For example, if you want to become an engineer you must choose science and mathematics as your graduation subjects and try to pass degree exams like B.E and B.Tech. If IT industry is the one where you want to get employed in future try to clear exams such as BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) and MCA (Master of Computer Application). Some universities also offer engineering degree in computer science. To get into commerce, marketing, sales, or if you want to start your own business in future choose commerce as your subjects. While B.Com. is OK you would ideally want to get a degree of MBA (Master in Business Administration). Similarly there are degrees like B.Pharma and B.Sc. in biotech that can get you a job in related sectors.

Now one important thing I want to share with you is the importance of getting an educational qualification degree from a college/university of highest repute. It makes a huge difference, in the end, in deciding whether you will be a struggler with modest compensation or the one who will live his life in peace with awesome salary. Knowing what degree to get which job doesn't mean you pursue the degree from any college or university. Many students get qualifications by correspondence (by studying at home). Some others get themselves admitted in colleges that are not recognized by the government. While you will get a degree, presumably, at the end but is it worth having it? Most high paying companies expect their potential employee to have good basic (many times practical) knowledge. When you do your degree course from correspondence programme or get the requisite qualifications from unrecognized university or college you will find yourself lacking by huge amount in required knowledge and skills compared to your peers who have done their degree course from reputed recognized college/university. This has another danger as well - if you look at most job advertisements you will find that HR department clearly states in their job ad that the educational qualification must be from UGC (University Grants Commission) recognized universities and preferably from a reputed college. Now just imagine a situation where you see a newspaper or a website where recruitment ad comes, and you meet all the qualifications, you also have a degree, and you even pass the interview, but you don't get the appointment letter because you get disqualified since your degree is not recognizable by the employer. Won't it be a heartbreaking situation? It will be, I think!

These days companies also maintains the database of all the employees as well as those who come for the interview. If you try to cheat the potential employer by presenting fake qualification degrees and you get caught you will almost make your chances of getting a job in future - NIL. This is because that database is shared among all the employers. HR managers of top companies know very well these days who are blacklisted candidates. So be aware of this and always be honest with the way you present yourself.

Coming back to what role the reputation of university/college makes in getting you the high paying satisfactory job, have a look at this scenario - A and B are two friends. Both are good at studies. Both have interest in business and management, so they take up commerce in school. Bot obtain high percentage of marks in board exams and do their graduation. Now in post graduation, guy named A decides and set goal for himself. The goal is to get admission in a top B (business) school in India, even though chances are slim since their is huge competition. On the other hand, guy named B thinks that he might be wasting his time if he focuses himself in preparation of MAT (Management Aptitude test) and CAT (Common Admission Test) exam and decides to get a MBA degree from roadside college. What happens is the guy A fails in CAT exams in first attempt while the guy B has already advanced to net year in his business administration course. Next year A fails again and B advances to 2nd year. B thinks he made a great decision to not to waste time looking to get admission in reputable business school. He thinks his dream job is right around the corner as he is going to pass the final degree exam next year. He also is sad about his friend B who hasn't yet started his course as he is still looking to pass the CAT and MAT exams. Anyways things moved on and B finally was able to pass the CAT exam, and with a good score. On priority he got admission in IIM Ahmedabad (the best B school in India). You know what happened next? Guy A, even after getting qualification, kept struggling for next 5 years for getting the job he wanted. Not many were willing to pay him  salary more than 5 thousand rupees per month. This after he payed something like 2.5 lac as fee for MBA (even roadside colleges have high fees). On the other hand, B guy, who was running late, got an attractive offer from a multinational company as he entered the 2nd year of his MBA. And that was not only the offer he got, there were many who were lining up to employ him. It's not that this guy (B) was better than other guy (A) in qualification or anything else. It's just that B took a decision to pursue his degree in management from reputable college, a top college, while A couldn't quite understood the importance of choosing the right college for getting the education qualification degree, MBA in this case.

What is mentioned in above para, regarding MBA, is also true for other degrees. So, for example, if you want to do engineering, and get a good salary, do engineering from IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) and avoid any local colleges. 

There are plenty of job opportunities, but the job with highest salaries is reserved for only those people who have passed from IIT's and IIM's. Others might also eventually get a high salary job, but after much struggle and after proving themselves for good 10 (and more) years in the market. But, it is seen, even if their hard work get them their dream job, in end, they will find it difficult to get promotions, since everything matters when department decides to promote an employee to higher posts, and it will hurt the individual when he sees all his peer have assumed higher positions and he is still lingering down at the same level. After job you will always like to assume high posts in your office. This is what gives you satisfaction and this was also one of our goals that we wanted to achieve. We wanted to get a job with high compensation and job satisfaction. It is also no rocket science that higher the post you assume in your office higher is your salary compared to others, and since responsibility is high you l derive more satisfaction when you are able to do your job.

Thus it is clear from previous para that how important it is to decide from where one wants to pursue his education since it definitely has very telling  repercussions on the career an individual.

Coming back to educational qualification degrees to get high paying jobs in India, a new trend is seen recently. In past most people felt secure is doing engineering, master in business administration, master in computer applications, and other regular degrees, but recently it is seen that students are quite open to take up unique courses. These can be mixed courses. Like few universities offer a single degree equivalent to M.Com. and MCA degree. Combined B.Tech. and MBA degrees are also very popular these days. Earlier it was a trend that people who did BE. went for MBA after it  in order to expand the opportunities to get the high salary jobs. Citing this few universities in India have come up with a combined degree courses. These courses are good and definitely save time, but you should always check and recheck if the course is recognized by the employers in the market.

One thing I would like to tell you is that there are some really good additional qualifications that you can get by correspondence. I have said additional since I will always recommend to pursue the main degree (which you think will get you a job in area of your interest) as a regular course. The additional qualifications definitely add value to your qualifications. This is a world of multitasking. Multitasking men are capable of doing more than one task at a time, and that too with high degree of efficiency. Employers these days are constantly on the lookout for multitaskers. It is easy to understand why. Think about it - by giving a few rupees more, if a company can find an employee who can do a job of more than one men, then it is definitely good for the company. By having qualification to prove that you can do more than one job at a time you are not only increasing chances of getting employed but also you are in a good position to ask for higher compensation. Thus it is highly recommended to add as many qualifications as you can to your CV. It will be good if your additional qualification is relate to your main qualification.

Does getting degree from foreign university makes difference when it comes to salary (compensation) and satisfaction. Answer is no. In fact these days students who have passed from best indian universities are more in demand. However if you are interested there is no harm in getting degree from overseas university. In India, some of the best universities are - Amity University, Andhra University, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Bangalore University, Delhi University (DU), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Osmania University, University of Calcutta, University of Hyderabad, University of Madras, University of Mumbai.

BHU - banaras hindu university
BHU campus

In the end I will conclude by saying that go for educational degree which is in high demand in market, which makes you more employable. Pursue degree from reputed college and try to gain additional knowledge by correspondence degree courses. Prepare well and you will have no problem in finding your dream job that will bring you both money and high level of satisfaction.


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