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Friday 7 November 2014

How to make a free blog?

by Gaurav  |  in tech at  09:13
Today on PageHub you'll learn how to make a blog for free. But before learning to create a blog, which doesn't cost you a penny, you must be clear about - what is a blog? This is important because this will help you decide whether you really need a blog or a website or some other content management system. We will discuss about it later in this article.

What is a blog?

A blog is simply a list of posts or articles posted at various times by the editor of the blog. There can be a different owner and editor of a blog but most times they are same. A blog usually contains articles, also known as posts, that are arranged chronologically or reverse chronologically (in case it is written as step-by-step guide). Blog usually concentrate on single topic but it is not uncommon to find a blog that has postings on varied subjects. This blog is example of a blog with posts on variety of subjects (or topics).

Difference between a Blog And Website

What is the difference between a blog and a website? A blog is actually a subset of website. A website can have a blog integrated in it which allows it to publish a fresh content. A website usually contains finite number of pages. A blog of a website then delivers latest news or happenings about the business that website represents. Having said this it will be wrong to assume that blog should exist only inside, as a part of, a website. There are many blogs that exist on their own.  They are accessed by typing the URL in a web browser in the same way a website is accessed.

Making a free blog

Creating a professional looking blog is not at all expensive these days. In fact one create them for free. This is possible due to presence of free blogging engines like blogger, wordpress.com, and tumblr. Of course, these are plenty more but these are most popular among the masses.

Making a blog with the above mentioned blogging platforms is a breeze. They require user to signup, choose a blog title. After this much - all is needed is to create some posts and publish them.

You would be wondering -why free blogs are provided? Everything comes by spending money in modern world. Why would anyone be providing free blogging service to users in this day and age?

Free blogs comes with limited features. The free blogs are provided to actually gives you a taste of real thing. Real thing is not free.  In free editions there are limits like number of posts that can be published, maximum storage that is allowed per blog, limited number of templates.

Having said that,  the free blogs you create by using the blogging platforms, especially those mentioned here, have some very rich features. These include multi level comments, comment moderation, facility to label and tag posts(to allow them to get found easily by search engines), built in text editor to create articles and upload pictures and videos, and buttons to share blog posts.

Why people go for paid version then using free blog?

This question makes sense. When everything is available for free why pay extra money? To answer this I would like to ask you one question - Would you like to create a popular blog that is best in world or just a blog - just to have one? A free blog is a kind of "just a blog" while a paid blog is a "real blog".

Free blog limitations

To start with - a free blog is accessed using a subdomain address. For example http://pagehubs.blogspot.com has a blogspot in its address which is introduced by blogger in its free version. You can pay for a domain name to have this blog accessed as http://pagehubs.com (looks and sound more professional). Don't underestimate the importance of professional looking URL. Studies shows that people visit the professional looking blogs more than those hosted as sundomain's. So the first reason to get a paid version of a blog is to attract more users. This is actually what every blog creator wants. Not many want to create blogs just for themselves. Blog provides opportunity to you (the creator of blog) to reach new audience - to make more friends. This helps you grow your business or make more sales.

Second reason is that a free blog is unreliable. You never know about free services. They exist  today but they might cease to exist tomorrow. Image if you have an award winning blog with hundred thousand audience (it is possible,there are many  blog with much more followers ) and you make plenty of money by selling products using affiliate links or you make money using Adsense ( Advertising by Google) and suddenly one day you find all your posts deleted or in some cases your blog is banned because someone has reported a suspect activity ( something illegal or not in sync with policies of state where you live).  You will be poorer in no time.

Third reason for avoiding a free blog is because they don't give you an identity. What I mean by Identity? Let me explain it to you.

We make a blog so that we present ourselves (in case of personal blog) or our business (in case of niche blog) on the web. Problem with free blog is that it has so many look alike's. These zero cost blogs come with same looks i.e same look and feel, same theme, same colors, same widgets, and since they are free there are many of them. This makes it very difficult to standout among the crowd. 
Also imagine if someone owns a big business but chooses a penny-less platform to create a blog, thus  his blog looks same as  blog of someone who is bankrupt - what impression would it leave on visitors?

Finally most important reason why people don't consider making a free blog is because they are difficult to rank. Which rank I am talking about? Does someone rank blogs as well? - Yes! 

Search engines, like Google, which allows us to search a thing on world wide web, rank articles based on some sophisticated algorithms. No one actually knows what the ranking algorithm is but there are unofficial rules and guidelines, much adapted across the world by webmasters, which if applied and taken care of while designing a blog can help optimize our blog to get the higher rank when search engines apply algorithm to our blog to list them on SERPS(Search Engine Result Pages). This process is called SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Paid blogs comes with features,and are designed so from the start, that makes them easy to rank well. Free blogs, on the other hand, require plenty of tweaking to optimize them for ranking well and it requires plenty of technical knowledge about web development and blog development.

Making Free Blog's Summarized

Step-1 - Go to any of the mentioned free blog engines in the article.

Step-2 - Sign up for free.

Step-3 Choose a title, template, and theme (if available) from dashboard.

Step-4 Start creating posts and either save them (for reviewing) or publish immediately to make blog come alive. Use pictures and videos inside your posts to make it look attractive.

Step-5 Popularize your blog by sharing it on you Facebook timeline. by tweeting on twitter, and by updating status on Google Plus.

Step-6 When your blog gets popular, consider switching to paid version to attract more traffic and to rank well by search engines.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Do share with your friends. I will be posting lot more on blogging and related topics. Don't forget to visit again. Bye!

How to say I Love You Easily!

by Gaurav  |  in love and relationships at  09:02
Saying I Love You is one of the most difficult thing's in the world. People feel nervous, the words don't come out of mouth, and they feel as if they are tied by some invisible chain.

say I love You

Some boys and girls always keep the love feelings in their heart. They can't convey it to the one they love. There is some unknown fear. I have seen people keep the truth, the truth that he or she loves him or her, inside their heart throughout their entire life. For some reason they are willing to suffer, live in pain of being alone, but never want to say I love you.

If you are reading this please know that it is not a crime to express your love. It is not hatred - it is love. Why would anyone will get annoyed, or be angry with you, if you tell them that you are in love with them.

Some of you feel that the other person might get angry. And while the possibility of this happening is almost negligible, unless you are annoying the other person, you always feel that it will definitely happen with you. And you decide that it is better not to say anything then to get beaten or rejected by the person you love.

Actually your problem is that you listen to people around you too much. Your friends tell you some bogus stories that a certain guy (if friend is a girl) or a lady (if friend is a boy) took them to rafters when they tried to say that they love them. Some will say that a girl has filed a police case against them of crime bigger than they did. Some guys even go to the extent of telling a lie that the family members of the person they love threatened them and told them that if they follow their girl or boy - they will crush their teeth. All bogus stories you believe and then decide to keep quiet for entire life. You are ready to cry and see the person you love walking and dancing hand in hand and arms in arms with some other person.

Don't be silly! Don't believe in anything you haven't came across in you life. If it happens with you in reality then it is the time to decide to do it or not to do it. But to decide not to express your love to other person for no reason is not on. Keep in mind that you are not an ordinary person that anyone will reject you just like that. And most guys who get rejected are those who think that they won't get accepted. Don't think that something negative will happen with you.

And I tell you that in most cases, almost 99 percent, the other person is waiting eagerly for you to come and say what you think you should not say. Don't count yourself in remaining 1 percent ( I know most of you just did that).

Now if you feel really nervous try out following tips to easily say - I Love You.

1. Do some research. Find the birthday of the person you love. On that day choose the best gift. It doesn't have to be an expensive one. If you can create something, or even some fresh flower, will do. Wrap it up and and put your love letter inside the gift box.  Believe me the other person will not be able to sleep until he or she meet you in next few days.

2. Valentine's day is the day when everyone seem to lineup to tell that they love someone. You can do this as well. But this is all redundant. Many people do it. I suggest that choose a day before February 14, to express your love. This has a magical affect on the other person. He or she get's the message subconsciously that you can't even wait for a day.

3. If you see your beloved crying, for any reason. try to cry, even artificially along with  him or her. And when they ask you why are you crying, tell them that you can't see them crying. Then wipe off their tears and say "I L U" in a soft voice while doing it.

4. Be aware of things as they happen around you. If you get a slightest hint that your beloved in in need of something, try to be the first guy to provide that thing. This will pave the way for you to easily say that you are in love.

Above are all the opportunities that you should grab to easily say I love you. Of course this is not the ultimate list. Buy most of you have gotten the point what I want to tell you.

One thing I would like you to be a bit careful about is to not to try to make someone you love look silly. Don't ever make a fool of them, especially in public. Love is such a sensitive relationship. Even small looking things can prove to be major bottlenecks between you being successful in love and otherwise.

Saturday 28 June 2014


by Gaurav  |  in travel at  23:10
Here IRCTC PNR status, how to check PNR status, and what does it mean is explained. But first let us define PNR and IRCTC and later we will see how to get the status.

What is PNR?

Full form of PNR is Passenger Name Record. It is identified by a number. This number is allocated to each railway ticket and can be used by a passenger to track the status of reservation.

pnr status picture

What is IRCTC?

Full form of IRCTC is Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. It is a subsidiary of the Indian Railways that handles the catering, tourism and online ticketing operations of the railways.

What is IRCTC PNR Status?

People go to website https://irctc.co.in for online booking of railway tickets. This is a online passenger reservation system. When booking is done, IRCTC allocates a unique number to each ticket. This is called PNR number. Quoting this PNR number, a customer can find the current reservation status. It is a 10 digit number.

How to check the reservation status using IRCTC PNR ?

Fastest way, and probably the easiest way as well, to do PNR status check is to type in the message box of your mobile phone your PNR number as shown: Write PNR [space] [Enter Your PNR Number Here], and send it to 139. Within seconds you will receive the status of your railway ticket.

Another way is to visit the railway enquiry website www.indianrail.gov.in and from menu choose the item 'pnr status'. This will open up the page like this:

You can provide your 10 digit PNR number and click on 'get status' button for passenger current status.

Understanding the Status returned

The railway server will return the status in form of PNR status codes. In order to exactly get and understand the status of reservation it is extremely important to understand these status codes.

Flushed PNR - It means that this PNR number is now obsolete. This happens mostly when a user enters a wrong number. It is also shown if the PNR is not yet generated by the railway servers.

RAC - It stands for Reservation Against Cancellation Status. It is accompanied by a number which indicates the standing of a ticket in a queue i.e. when this number of tickets get cancelled the passenger will be allotted a full seat. A passenger booked on a ticket having RAC status is allowed to travel in train but he is required to share the accommodation with another passenger.

WL - Indicates that the ticket is wait listed. Customer who has a railway ticket with waiting list PNR status is not allowed to board the train. The waiting list status is returned with two numbers like, WL1/WL2, where the first number indicates the position in waiting list at the time of reservation while the second number indicates the current status.

CF - If you get this status it means your ticket is confirmed. A confirmed ticket status is returned along with coach number and seat number.

PQWL - Pooled Quota Waiting List. Sometimes railway allocates seat from its pooled quota. The status is shown by this code. It is similar to waiting list.

RLWL - Remote Location Waiting List denotes the status in a waiting list of remote locations. Each station has a prescribed quota for seat booking in different class of travel for each train which has stoppage at that station. Sometimes there is no quota and ticket is issued by allotting seats from quota of another station. When such a ticket is not confirmed and also it has failed to qualify under RAC quota, the RLWL quota is allotted.

Apart from above codes there are many others but generally they are not useful for common passengers. Actaully IRCTC PNR status is nothing but the pnr status of indian railway..

Monday 9 June 2014

IRCTC Login for railway reservation in India

by Gaurav  |  in travel at  21:28

IRCTC Login Reservation Explained

The best way to book your railway tickets in India is by booking them online using the https://irctc.co.in which is a website of Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) that handles online ticketing along with catering and tourism services.

In this article you will get complete details, step by step, and from start to end, about how to do online railway reservation. In short the process is as follows - a customer do registration and get his username and password. Then he needs to do IRCTC login to access the online passenger reservation system. There user finds 'Plan My Travel' which provides interface for booking railway tickets. In the end user does the payment and receives a message on mobile which contains the complete ticket details like coach number, seat number, train no. etc. A user then is able to board the train, provided the ticket is confirmed, by carrying a valid identity card along with the message in the mobile phone. In the paragraphs below we will elaborate on this process so that you have complete knowledge about how to book railway tickets in India. Please note that internet bookings are not available in overseas trains.

IRCTC Login Steps

Before taking these steps make sure you are using the fast internet connection as this will help you in getting reservation done in one attempt. You don't want to log in again and again as the chances of getting confirmed tickets are greatly affected by it.

Step 1 - Do IRCTC Registration

First step is to register yourself on the irctc website. The registration process is simple and it requires you to provide your personal details like name, address, gender etc. You will also provide your mobile number in this step. Please note that you take care to furnish the correct information only. IRCTC is known to verify your details and if it is found that you have provided garbage or junk values at the time of creating your profile your account might be put into deactivation queue. Your user id, password, and an activation link will be sent to your registered E-Mail id and mobile verification code will be sent to registered mobile number. Individual registration is free on  https://irctc.co.in. Look at the pictures below and you will find out what you need to enter in order to get yourself registered.

irctc registration form
IRCTC registration for login - choose security username,security question, answer, first name, last name, gender, date of birth, occupation, Email ID,  mobile, and nationality.

IRCTC login registration
To complete registration on IRCTC provide address, city, stae, pin, zip, country, phone, specify both residential address and office address. Also choose other services like offers from third party like railtoursimindia.com and schemes like shubh yatra (now discontinued) and SBI railway card by selecting yes or no. Then enter captcha verification code and submit the form

Step 2 - Do IRCTC login with username and password

Once registered, the use can attempt to do railway ticket booking. For doing reservation go to IRCTC home page and login by providing your username and password. If you have forgotten your password you can reset/change it by clicking on forget password button. The irctc login page can also be reached at this url https://www.irctc.co.in/cgi-bin/bv60.dll/irctc/services/login.do which also provide links for password retrieval and new user signup.

this irctc login page is shown when invalid username and password is entered by the customer

irctc login from homepage
lightweight irctc login page is shown at homepage of irctc during peak hours

Step -3 Enter Details of Reservation after IRCTC login (Plan My Travel)

Once logged in successfully its time to provide details about the journey by filling in the form provided under plan my travel heading/title.

irctc login - plan my travel
plan my travel
Here enter the source city name i.e. the city from where a customer wants to commence his journey, in 'To' field enter the destination name, choose date of journey by clicking on calendar pic, choose ticket type (e ticket or i ticket), and finally quota - general, ladies, tatkal (this facility provides confirmed/Waitlisted E-tickets to passengers on payment of premium on ‘first come first served’ basis in all mail/express trains including Rajadhani, Shatabdi,Jan Shatabdi Express trains. Tatkal bookings are not allowed in 1ACBookings under tatkal quota are done only at prescribed timings which is 1 day prior to the actual day of journey excluding the day of journey. Read more about tatkal scheme here.). After filling in required data click on find trains button which will list all the trains meeting your requirements as shown below.

IRCTC login train between stations
train between stations

Step 4 - Select Train ( after checking availability and fare )

Next step is to check the seat availability status and fare for the journey and then if all as per need you can go on and do ticket reservation by clicking the 'book now' button. Have a look at the picture above. Here all the trains available on a date chosen by the user between Mumbai and New Delhi are listed. Also the image below shows the available classes of travel in a particular train. Clicking on class of travel will display tota; fare (along with reservation charges ) and seat availability. For the convenience of users the availability for next few days is also shown.

irctc availability and fare
click on class for availability and fare

Step 5 - Book Your Railway Ticket

When you check the availability (in above step) you will see something (see pic below) like this where you'll also see option to book the ticket.

irctc ticket booking
available seats and fare for a train number in a particular class

Step 6 - Enter Passenger Details in Reservation Form

You will now be on 'Ticket Reservation' page that will display form for entering the details of passengers for the journey. It requires basic information like Passenger Name, Age, Gender etc. to be filled in.

IRCTC Reservation Form in which passenger details are provided
The important fields which need special attention here are 'senior citizen' and consider for 'auto upgradation'. If you are a senior citizen (age above 57 for ladies and 60 for gents) as per railway rules you are qualified to get concessions on fare. You can tell that you are a senior citizen by ticking the displayed checkbox against your name.

In Auto Upgradation scheme a full fare paying waitlisted passenger is upgraded to higher class of travel automatically when the seat is available. Railway started this scheme not only to benefit waitlisted passengers but also benefit the railways in terms of filling up vacant accommodation in various trains. Those who are upgraded are added to upgraded passenger list.

You can also choose to book ticket only if at least one or more lower berth/seat is vacant for reservation by choosing the options.

irctc login berth preference

Also note the mobile number field. This is the mobile number on which IRCTC will send a sms message that can be treated like a ticket provided you show one of the valid identity card identified by railway for travel in train. Here are ID proofs allowed by railways -

  • Voter Photo identity card issued by Election Commision of India.
  • Passport.
  • PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department.
  • Driving Licence issued by RTO.
  • Photo identity card having serial number issued by Central/State Government.
  • Student Identity Card with photograph issued by recognized School/College for their students.
  • Nationalized Bank Passbok with photograph.
  • Credit cards issued by banks with laminated photograph.
  • Unique Identification Card "Aadhaar".
  • Photo identity cards having serial number issued by Public Sector Undertaking of State/Central Government, District Administration, Municipal bodies and Penchant Administration.
If possible avoid PAN card for proof of identity as misuse of PAN number is reported in some of the newspapers recently where few people used it for illegal transactions i.e. money transfer. They got the number from the railway reservation charts pasted on the train coach.

Click on 'go' for payment or 'reset' the form to enter the details again. You can also decide to 'replan' the journey altogether with will restart the entire online railway reservation again.

Step 7 - Payment of Ticket Reservation to IRCTC

There are multiple options available these days to do payment. IRCTC accepts credit/debit cards of almost all the banks. You can also pay by internet banking, IMPS, and e Wallet. 

Step 8 - Reservation Done but where's the ticket

You have completed the reservation. But where is the ticket? Don't worry your ticket is safe. After payment you will redirected to https://irctc.co.in where you'll have option to print the electronic reservation slip (ERS). This is not required actually. After few seconds you will receive the sms message on your mobile with PNR number and other details of reservation.

What if you don't get the sms message? No worries, just again do IRCTC login and go to booked history section. There you will see all your booked tickets and option to resend the message.

Source: http://www.irctcloginindia.co.in

And that's it. You have now learned how to do railway reservation in 8 steps. This is also called booking e ticket online or railway reservation online.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Educational Qualification Degrees To Get High Paying Jobs in India

by Gaurav  |  in education at  23:07
Every one out there wants to get a high paying job. Now the question is which educational qualifications or degrees provides you the best chance to get the high paying jobs in India? Today you will get to know exactly what you need to study in order to get the dream job for yourself.

Actually the question of what to study for a nice job is mainly asked by undergraduates. Those who are in the school, especially after 10th board exams where one is required to make a choice of specialized subject, tend to get confused about it. Parents do help but sometimes the interest of student don't match with what parents want. Still in India we see parents telling their children to choose subjects like 'science', 'math, 'commerce', 'arts' etc. Most children do listen to their parents. But since the real interest of a child was in something else, it all end up in a mess in the end. Students pursuing a subject halfheartedly tends to get poor marks in the final exams which affect their chances of admission in good colleges, like B schools, IIT's, and IIM's, and all this has a very averse affect on chances of getting high paying jobs in the future.

degree for job

The best jobs, both by the angle of earning, and satisfaction, are in following sectors - IT (Information Technology), medicine, engineering, business and commerce, pharma and bio technology. Companies and corporate houses working in all these sectors pay well to their employees. Facilities and perks are also good. Thus to get the best job you will need to focus on study subjects that will make you qualify to get an employment in these sectors.

In order to get the requisite degree you need to make a decision early in your life. It will be good if you can make up your mind about which sector you will want to get employed in future to earn living and live a life of high satisfaction as early as when you are in school. Ideally after board exams you should be in a position to answer - "What I want to become?", as this will help you in choosing the right subjects for graduation and post graduation. For example, if you want to become an engineer you must choose science and mathematics as your graduation subjects and try to pass degree exams like B.E and B.Tech. If IT industry is the one where you want to get employed in future try to clear exams such as BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) and MCA (Master of Computer Application). Some universities also offer engineering degree in computer science. To get into commerce, marketing, sales, or if you want to start your own business in future choose commerce as your subjects. While B.Com. is OK you would ideally want to get a degree of MBA (Master in Business Administration). Similarly there are degrees like B.Pharma and B.Sc. in biotech that can get you a job in related sectors.

Now one important thing I want to share with you is the importance of getting an educational qualification degree from a college/university of highest repute. It makes a huge difference, in the end, in deciding whether you will be a struggler with modest compensation or the one who will live his life in peace with awesome salary. Knowing what degree to get which job doesn't mean you pursue the degree from any college or university. Many students get qualifications by correspondence (by studying at home). Some others get themselves admitted in colleges that are not recognized by the government. While you will get a degree, presumably, at the end but is it worth having it? Most high paying companies expect their potential employee to have good basic (many times practical) knowledge. When you do your degree course from correspondence programme or get the requisite qualifications from unrecognized university or college you will find yourself lacking by huge amount in required knowledge and skills compared to your peers who have done their degree course from reputed recognized college/university. This has another danger as well - if you look at most job advertisements you will find that HR department clearly states in their job ad that the educational qualification must be from UGC (University Grants Commission) recognized universities and preferably from a reputed college. Now just imagine a situation where you see a newspaper or a website where recruitment ad comes, and you meet all the qualifications, you also have a degree, and you even pass the interview, but you don't get the appointment letter because you get disqualified since your degree is not recognizable by the employer. Won't it be a heartbreaking situation? It will be, I think!

These days companies also maintains the database of all the employees as well as those who come for the interview. If you try to cheat the potential employer by presenting fake qualification degrees and you get caught you will almost make your chances of getting a job in future - NIL. This is because that database is shared among all the employers. HR managers of top companies know very well these days who are blacklisted candidates. So be aware of this and always be honest with the way you present yourself.

Coming back to what role the reputation of university/college makes in getting you the high paying satisfactory job, have a look at this scenario - A and B are two friends. Both are good at studies. Both have interest in business and management, so they take up commerce in school. Bot obtain high percentage of marks in board exams and do their graduation. Now in post graduation, guy named A decides and set goal for himself. The goal is to get admission in a top B (business) school in India, even though chances are slim since their is huge competition. On the other hand, guy named B thinks that he might be wasting his time if he focuses himself in preparation of MAT (Management Aptitude test) and CAT (Common Admission Test) exam and decides to get a MBA degree from roadside college. What happens is the guy A fails in CAT exams in first attempt while the guy B has already advanced to net year in his business administration course. Next year A fails again and B advances to 2nd year. B thinks he made a great decision to not to waste time looking to get admission in reputable business school. He thinks his dream job is right around the corner as he is going to pass the final degree exam next year. He also is sad about his friend B who hasn't yet started his course as he is still looking to pass the CAT and MAT exams. Anyways things moved on and B finally was able to pass the CAT exam, and with a good score. On priority he got admission in IIM Ahmedabad (the best B school in India). You know what happened next? Guy A, even after getting qualification, kept struggling for next 5 years for getting the job he wanted. Not many were willing to pay him  salary more than 5 thousand rupees per month. This after he payed something like 2.5 lac as fee for MBA (even roadside colleges have high fees). On the other hand, B guy, who was running late, got an attractive offer from a multinational company as he entered the 2nd year of his MBA. And that was not only the offer he got, there were many who were lining up to employ him. It's not that this guy (B) was better than other guy (A) in qualification or anything else. It's just that B took a decision to pursue his degree in management from reputable college, a top college, while A couldn't quite understood the importance of choosing the right college for getting the education qualification degree, MBA in this case.

What is mentioned in above para, regarding MBA, is also true for other degrees. So, for example, if you want to do engineering, and get a good salary, do engineering from IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) and avoid any local colleges. 

There are plenty of job opportunities, but the job with highest salaries is reserved for only those people who have passed from IIT's and IIM's. Others might also eventually get a high salary job, but after much struggle and after proving themselves for good 10 (and more) years in the market. But, it is seen, even if their hard work get them their dream job, in end, they will find it difficult to get promotions, since everything matters when department decides to promote an employee to higher posts, and it will hurt the individual when he sees all his peer have assumed higher positions and he is still lingering down at the same level. After job you will always like to assume high posts in your office. This is what gives you satisfaction and this was also one of our goals that we wanted to achieve. We wanted to get a job with high compensation and job satisfaction. It is also no rocket science that higher the post you assume in your office higher is your salary compared to others, and since responsibility is high you l derive more satisfaction when you are able to do your job.

Thus it is clear from previous para that how important it is to decide from where one wants to pursue his education since it definitely has very telling  repercussions on the career an individual.

Coming back to educational qualification degrees to get high paying jobs in India, a new trend is seen recently. In past most people felt secure is doing engineering, master in business administration, master in computer applications, and other regular degrees, but recently it is seen that students are quite open to take up unique courses. These can be mixed courses. Like few universities offer a single degree equivalent to M.Com. and MCA degree. Combined B.Tech. and MBA degrees are also very popular these days. Earlier it was a trend that people who did BE. went for MBA after it  in order to expand the opportunities to get the high salary jobs. Citing this few universities in India have come up with a combined degree courses. These courses are good and definitely save time, but you should always check and recheck if the course is recognized by the employers in the market.

One thing I would like to tell you is that there are some really good additional qualifications that you can get by correspondence. I have said additional since I will always recommend to pursue the main degree (which you think will get you a job in area of your interest) as a regular course. The additional qualifications definitely add value to your qualifications. This is a world of multitasking. Multitasking men are capable of doing more than one task at a time, and that too with high degree of efficiency. Employers these days are constantly on the lookout for multitaskers. It is easy to understand why. Think about it - by giving a few rupees more, if a company can find an employee who can do a job of more than one men, then it is definitely good for the company. By having qualification to prove that you can do more than one job at a time you are not only increasing chances of getting employed but also you are in a good position to ask for higher compensation. Thus it is highly recommended to add as many qualifications as you can to your CV. It will be good if your additional qualification is relate to your main qualification.

Does getting degree from foreign university makes difference when it comes to salary (compensation) and satisfaction. Answer is no. In fact these days students who have passed from best indian universities are more in demand. However if you are interested there is no harm in getting degree from overseas university. In India, some of the best universities are - Amity University, Andhra University, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Bangalore University, Delhi University (DU), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Osmania University, University of Calcutta, University of Hyderabad, University of Madras, University of Mumbai.

BHU - banaras hindu university
BHU campus

In the end I will conclude by saying that go for educational degree which is in high demand in market, which makes you more employable. Pursue degree from reputed college and try to gain additional knowledge by correspondence degree courses. Prepare well and you will have no problem in finding your dream job that will bring you both money and high level of satisfaction.

Sunday 1 June 2014

How to make most of wedding season this year

by Gaurav  |  in lifestyle at  01:02

Shubh Muhurat (Auspicious Times) for Wedding Season This Year

Wedding, a special occasion, as we all know is conducted on special dates in India. These are also called Marriage Muhurats. It is recommended by pundits that marriage should be conducted during these special days only. Not only this, you will be quite surprised to know, that there are days recommended for doing shopping, settling the caterer, arranging the music band party for barat (a ceremony in which the groom rides the horse along with relatives to reach the brides house on wedding day) and whole lot of other things. To make most out of wedding season it is therefore necessary to strictly follow recommended time and dates.

shaadi season - a wedding season
Shaadi Mubarak - Happy Wedding Season

Here are Muhurat dates for wedding season of 2014 which you can note down if you are planning to get married this year -

Wedding Season Dates Timetable

Start TimeEnd TimeNakshatra
Sun, Jan 19, 2014, 12:00 AMSun, Jan 19, 2014, 04:26 AMMagha
Sun, Jan 26, 2014, 04:12 AMSun, Jan 26, 2014, 08:51 AMAnuradha
Sun, Jan 26, 2014, 07:52 PMMon, Jan 27, 2014, 02:54 AMAnuradha
Mon, Feb 3, 2014, 02:34 PMMon, Feb 3, 2014, 11:59 PMUttara Bhadrapada
Mon, Feb 10, 2014, 05:51 AMMon, Feb 10, 2014, 06:23 AMMrigashirsha
Mon, Feb 17, 2014, 05:48 AMMon, Feb 17, 2014, 09:46 PMUttara Phalguni
Thu, Feb 20, 2014, 10:23 AMThu, Feb 20, 2014, 11:54 AMSwati
Mon, Feb 24, 2014, 09:20 AMMon, Feb 24, 2014, 07:06 PMMoola
Wed, Feb 26, 2014, 03:40 PMWed, Feb 26, 2014, 11:44 PMUttara Ashadha
Sun, Mar 2, 2014, 04:49 PMMon, Mar 3, 2014, 11:59 PMUttara Bhadrapada
Fri, Mar 7, 2014, 03:54 PMFri, Mar 7, 2014, 11:59 PMRohini
Wed, Apr 16, 2014, 12:40 PMWed, Apr 16, 2014, 11:06 PMSwati
Mon, Apr 21, 2014, 06:08 PMMon, Apr 21, 2014, 11:59 PMUttara Ashadha
Thu, May 1, 2014, 10:00 AMFri, May 2, 2014, 03:32 AMRohini
Fri, May 9, 2014, 12:03 AMFri, May 9, 2014, 02:38 AMMagha
Sun, May 11, 2014, 02:54 AMMon, May 12, 2014, 07:34 AMUttara Phalguni
Thu, May 15, 2014, 10:47 PMFri, May 16, 2014, 05:26 AMAnuradha
Mon, May 19, 2014, 12:04 AMMon, May 19, 2014, 12:32 PMUttara Ashadha
Sun, May 25, 2014, 12:00 AMSun, May 25, 2014, 04:13 PMRevathi
Fri, May 30, 2014, 01:00 AMFri, May 30, 2014, 11:56 AMMrigashirsha
Wed, Jun 4, 2014, 03:15 PThu, Jun 5, 2014, 10:43 AMMagha
Sun, Jun 8, 2014, 04:26 PMSun, Jun 8, 2014, 04:48 PMHastha
Sun, Jun 15, 2014, 08:01 AMSun, Jun 15, 2014, 01:32 PMUttara Ashadha
Wed, Jul 2, 2014, 12:00 AMWed, Jul 2, 2014, 05:52 PMMagha
Fri, Jul 4, 2014, 03:01 AMFri, Jul 4, 2014, 11:59 PMUttara Phalguni
Mon, Jul 7, 2014, 06:23 AMMon, Jul 7, 2014, 11:59 PMSwati
Wed, Jul 9, 2014, 04:40 AMThu, Jul 10, 2014, 01:10 AMAnuradha
Thu, Jul 10, 2014, 11:15 PMThu, Jul 10, 2014, 11:50 PMMoola
Sun, Jul 13, 2014, 01:06 PMSun, Jul 13, 2014, 03:00 PMUttara Ashadha
Mon, Nov 17, 2014, 02:56 PMMon, Nov 17, 2014, 11:59 PMUttara Phalguni
Wed, Nov 19, 2014, 12:00 AMWed, Nov 19, 2014, 11:01 AMHastha
Mon, Nov 24, 2014, 11:50 AMMon, Nov 24, 2014, 11:59 PMMoola
Mon, Dec 1, 2014, 02:15 AMMon, Dec 1, 2014, 11:59 PMUttara Bhadrapada
Sun, Dec 7, 2014, 06:02 PMMon, Dec 8, 2014, 12:26 AMMrigashirsha

Please note that apart from dates mentioned above the wedding ceremony can be done on holy festival days like Holi, Dussera etc.

Wedding Season Shopping Tips

Buying clothes, gifts, and giveaways are important part of any wedding program  in India. Here are some important tips regarding shopping for wedding which will save you much time and from unnecessary headaches, if you follow them.

  1. Always try to do shopping from the local market. It makes easy to get a replacement of defective item otherwise, if you had shopped from outer city, you will be required to visit the place personally (since it is a wedding matter).
  2. Don't feel shy of asking from neighbors and your relatives about the best places to do shopping. If you know someone who had a marriage function recently at their place - ask for help, and perhaps request him/her to come along with you for buying things from market.
  3. Book marriage hall or marriage garden well in advance. It is recommended that you do so at least 6 months before the date of marriage. These days there is a huge problem for finding space to conduct ceremonies. If you don't fix a place in advance you will regret it later as you would be required to book some hotel by paying  times amount (going by the experience).
  4. Food items, like sweets (for relatives), should be prepared/ordered as late as possible. The eatables tend to spoil early and as such should not be kept in storage.
  5. Just like hotel, book the catering in advance. Fix a single caterer for all ceremonies. There is a good chance that you will get a nice discount and also you will be saved from unnecessary headaches of negotiating with different caterers.
  6. Invitation Cards (very important) should be ordered for printing and posted to the invitees at right time. Just check from courier the time it takes for a card to reach your relative living at farthest place. Post all you card on the same day when you post a wedding invitation to farthest located relative.
  7. Gold silver items and other ornaments should be kept in safe ( in bank) and should only be bought back at the day of ceremony. These day thefts are common occurrences in wedding houses.
  8. Before shopping always prepare a list. Pass the list to all the family member and allow them to add or remove an item. Get it checked again from the senior most member of the family. This will ensure nothing is left out.
  9. During weddings season many retailers offer juicy discounts, especially on purchase of clothes. Keep an eye on it. You will save good money.
  10. Keep limited cash in pocket while moving around the market place. Rest assured that the best pickpocket is also aware that season of marriage is on and people are coming to market, hopefully with heavy pockets (good cash), and he is ready to pounce on the first opportunity to fled away with the currency notes.

Wedding Season Frauds

There are good people and there are bad people in the world. For some marriage is an auspicious occasion to start a new life while for other it is an opportunity to make some good money, especially in a country like India where tradition of dowry still exists.

During last few years many frauds have been caught who have come with marriage proposals - presented themselves as some successful businessmen or some high profile officer and manage to fix the marriage. These frauds usually ask for big cash, car etc in dowry and then later run away. Usually they like to reach you through impressive matrimonial and advertisements. Many of them are NRI (Non Resident Indians) Many cases of cheating, especially a man selling woman to another man has been reported. You need to be really beware of such frauds. These are quite active during wedding times.

Steal Away Limelight From Bide Groom in Wedding Season

There would be many people who will tie their knots this season. The bride and groom are obviously going to be the most important persons during the season of marriage. But you can still steal away the limelight. But how? Read these points -
  1. Dance well during the functions. There are many functions and ceremonies that complete a wedding in India. People dance and sing in most of these ceremonies. If you can dance well you can be the one who finds a space, apart from bride and groom, in the hearts of people. Remember everyone like a men jumping in joy, spreading love, and who has a smile on the face.
  2. Interact and involve with everyone. Ask about the health of elderly persons. Giveaway gifts and toffees to the kids. Become popular by doing these great acts.
  3. Participate in marriage tasks like doing arrangements, calling people. Act as if it is your own function and see that everything is in order. Help the hosts conduct the function. They will remember you forever. 
  4. Don't do anything silly. Don't fight or create a bad environment. There are always problems during the weddings and on occasions they might frustrate you as an invitee. But don't create any scene. Keep your calm and tell yourself that everything will be over in couple of days. You calmness will make stand you in a league of your own. You will be able to make a long lasting good impression on hosts of marriage and other wedding guests. You will be seen as a powerful (mentally) person among the family members and someone who could be entrusted with making important decision related to family.
  5. Dress well and conduct well. Remember you are here for couple of days only. So don't spoil people's impression about you in just couple of days. Do all the right things.
I'm sure if you can follow some of the things mentioned above you can attract many people towards you and bring yourself into limelight, just like bride and groom, during the wedding season this year.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Best Dog Names in Hindi For Indian Dog Owners

by Gaurav  |  in pets at  11:15

Popular Hindi Dog Names

Dogs aren't that popular in India but those who own them like to give them a unique and long lasting name. Although there aren't many breeds of dogs that India is known for, still there are some which truly belong to the land of Hindus (although India is a land of people belonging to diverse religions and castes). Some of the popular breeds of dogs in India are - Rajapalayam, Combai, Kanni, Indian Mastiff or Bulli, Mudhol Hound, Jonangi, and Gaddi Kutta.

sitting dogs - dog names in hindi in india
4 Indian Dogs sitting together - Can you suggest their names?

There are many articles on the web which have detailed information about the above mentioned breed dogs. This article is for those people who owns one of these Indian dogs and are unable to decide what name they give to their pet so that it comes running towards them wagging its tail when they call him. Given below are some of the most popular names in Hindi language for the dogs.

Hindi is actually written in the Devanagari script and uses some Sanskrit words as well, but for the sake of the readers of this blog, which we assume are mainly English speaking, we will try to write the Hindi words representing dog names in English along with their meaning for easy understanding.

Alphabetically Listed Hindi Dog Names

1. Aashiq - It means lover. If you love your dog you will shore love him. This is suitable for male dogs.

2. Akbar - This name actually was the name of great Mughal emperor who is well respected in India for the way he ruled India by giving true respect to religions of all community.

3. Akshay - Means imperishable, indefectible, everlasting. It also means sacred. One of the popular bollywood (Indian filma industry) star's is named after it. You can search who is (I know you know it).

4. Bala - It means Babe or Girl, a Siren to be correct. This name is quite popular for female dogs in India.

5. Bhola - It means innocent. This name is perfect for simple minded and gullible dog.

6. Buddhu - Do you have a thick headed pet dog? If yes, the name 'Buddhu' is perfect for it. It means 'goofy'.

7. Chay Wala - This is new one and is getting popular by the day. Don't ask me the reason. It literally means 'Tea Seller'.

8. Dhulmul - It means the one with wavering mind. A dog that is hesitant should be named 'Dhulmul' in hindi.

9. Dhoni - Well MS Dhoni is one of the most popular cricket captain of Indian team. With love people like to name their pet after his name. Captain himself is a dog lover.

10. Dilbar - Good name for a dog which is a 'sweet darling' of yours.

11. Diggi - A nickname of popular politican is also a popular dog name in land of over 125 billion people.

12. Eeshwar - It means 'God'. In India everything is considered as a forms of god. Even inside dog the god lives. If you have similar feeling seeing your dog - go for this name. But be careful as it might not be liked by few.

13. Hina - In India the ladies use myrtle to create tattoos and designs on hands and legs on happy occasions. It is related with happiness. It is used as a name for female dogs in India. Also a film was made by this name in which a beautiful actress from nearby nation Pakistan featured.

14. kalu - it is a sweetened name for a black dog. In Hindi blank means kala.

15. Lolo - It does not mean anything. It is like a 'lol' in English which people use this days in conversation. Mostly used for female pups.

16. Laddu - Actually a name for sweet made of gram flour and sweetener like sugar in India. It is round is shape. This name is especially given to small puppies who are round in shape and sweet looking (all puppies look sweet).

17. Motu  - fat dogs are named mota or motu.

18 Noopur - means anklet which is an ornament for the feet. It has small bells which make sound when someone wearing it moves. Among the local women and men it is known by the name 'payal'.

19. Om Kar - Om is a sound of cosmos from which everything is believed to have materialized. It is a name with good weight that can make your pet look standing in a different queue from others.

20. Raju - it means one which is happy in any situation. If your dog is adjustable nature and is happy chappy  - name it raju.

21. Sikander - Alexander the great is called 'Sikander' in Hindi. Not much I need to say after that.

22. Tiger - it is actually English word but is used as it is in Hindi. Although Cheetah is its meaning in Hindi, but tiger is much more popular for naming pups.

23. Usha - means Dawn or Morn. Used for female doggies.

24. Vasundhara - means beautiful earth. 

Some other popular doggy names

While traveling across India people are seen calling their dogs with these others names which have no meaning in a true sense - aloo, bhuriya, bhok, chutiya, dholu, fussy, gabru, golu, gujju, kaliya, kuchu, lobu, monu, nata, nicky, omygod, poku, quotestu, savita, tipty, ubuntu, vizak, whola, yakub, zero.

Some Suggestions For naming Dogs

  1. Don't name your dog with the name similar to the name of the dog of your neighbor. If you do, you will face many problems like - the other dog might come and sleep with you if you just take the name of your dog with love, the two dogs can end up at same place at same time resulting in a fight.
  2. Don't name your dogs on the name of your family members. This might result in a homely fight and thus affecting the cordial relations.
  3. Try and see which name your dog likes. Just murmur few names in front of your dog and note down the one by hearing which the doggy wags its tail the most. It is a clear sign that the dog wants that name.
  4. Avoid naming dogs after the names of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Someone might file a case against you blaming you for hurting his/her religious feelings if you do so.
  5. Don't you ever try to change the name of dog after few years of naming ceremony. Just like you, dogs take great pride in their name. Changing name of dogs can create whole sort of problems for them, including their relationships with other dogs. Although they might still use their nose to smell pick the correct buddy.
  6. Take great care for naming the dogs, especially if you have bought the street dog. The street dogs usually don't like pet dogs. If the street dog hear a name of a foe he might loose his temper and attack you.
I hope that the dog names mentioned in this article ( for Hindi dogs) will help you in naming your dog and also you will keep in mind the suggestions listed above.

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